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Part 1 –What’s In and What’s Out in 2025

Once again it is a brand-new year and a time when we discover what trends are going to remain strong and what new trends will replace the old. Just like the past few years, the biggest trend seems to be that inflation has people focusing on staying home more and using any extra funds on improving their homes…their biggest investment.

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From a Cozy Hearth to a Fabulous Working Masterpiece – Your Choice

The Niagara Region experiences frigid winters, making fireplaces a cherished feature in homes. Even though they are no longer the main heat source, many homeowners still appreciate having a wood or natural gas fireplace for added warmth and as a focal point in a room. Gathering around the fireplace with loved ones on a frosty day creates a charming and romantic atmosphere that many people appreciate. Consequently, fireplaces remain in high demand. The design of the fireplace façade (the design elements surrounding the unit) is a significant draw for the fireplace, often more so than the flames themselves. With this in mind, it’s important to understand that choosing the right fireplace unit is essential, but the design of the fireplace surround can significantly impact the overall look of a room. Many homeowners have looked at their existing fireplace and found it to be an eyesore. They might have even avoided the room solely because of the fireplace. It could be the unit’s style or shape that doesn’t fit the room, the surround that doesn’t match the homeowner’s taste or the fireplace not being properly positioned within the space. The good news is that most issues with an existing fireplace can be addressed. It’s important to consider building and safety codes, as they determine what modifications can be made and where they can be done. Enhancing a room, may start with adding a fireplace or giving an existing one and its surround a facelift. With the right choices, the room can be turned into a showstopper! A fireplace should reflect the unique style of the homeowner and the home. So, picking the fireplace unit is an important starting point. There are many fireplace units to choose from so whether you’re looking for gas, wood or electric, there are many to choose from and your supplier should be able to determine where and what type of unit you can put in your room.

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Happy New Year !

To all our clients both past and present, our valued suppliers, our extraordinary trades, our wonderful friends and family members, and everyone else,

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Merry Christmas !

Perhaps it is the lights, the smell of freshly baked cookies, or just the sound of laughter and excitement

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December, not just a time for holidays!

January…. Ahh January; it’s just around the corner; the start of 2025, the month of new beginnings, and yes…the start of the cold blustery Niagara Region winter weather that many dread. Niagara’s winters usually depict what real winter is all about … Ice, snow storms, and bitter cold temperatures. For those that love the glistening icicles, the fluffy snowflakes and winter sport activities, the cold and the snow may be a welcome sight …But for those that don’t embrace winter’s weather as a wonderland, January usually becomes a time to hibernate for the next three months, or a time to plan that family vacation somewhere warm! Regardless of how you feel about the winter …homeowners still have to prepare for it. Winter in Niagara often brings heavy snow, freezing rain, ice storms and out right blizzards. Part of the preparation for the winter is to ensure that you have a storm kit. Some bottled water, at least three days’ worth of non-perishable food items that don’t need to be heated or refrigerated, a first aid kit, extra blankets, snow shovels and window scrapers near your doorways, driveway/sidewalk salt, an abundance of batteries, flashlights and lanterns, a working generator with properly stored fuel, and a battery-operated radio if cell reception goes out, are but a few of the things you may need. There are many great websites that can provide more information about storm kits.

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From the Ground Up – Flooring Considerations

Choosing the right flooring is one of the most important decisions when planning a renovation. In today’s economy, homeowners are mindful of their budgets and seek to balance style and functionality. It’s important to find flooring that aligns with your aesthetics while also being affordable, durable, long-lasting and easy to maintain. Understanding the limitations of different flooring products is crucial, including how to clean them, where they are best installed and where they should not be used. The type of flooring chosen can impact the functionality and ambiance of a room. As the largest surface area, the flooring sets the stage for the room’s design, influencing colour schemes, textures, styles and even patterns, all from the ground up. To decide on flooring options, homeowners need to consider various factors, including but not limited to:

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Every room of a home has a purpose, yet often design efforts are overlooked in mudrooms and laundry rooms. These areas often feel like an afterthought in home design, focusing solely on the necessities and lacking in utilization. Since laundry is likely not anyone’s favourite activity, planning is the key to creating an efficient but inviting space. Even though it’s not a room you tend to invite your guests into, you’ll likely spend a great deal of time in it yourself. Re-designing your laundry room to make it organized and aesthetically pleasing can make the chore more manageable, perhaps even enjoyable. So, whether you are designing your custom home or remodelling your existing one, it’s worth considering some key elements for these spaces:

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The Bathroom – The least talked about room– but the most used!

If you’ve ever been to a luxury hotel and walked into the spa-like bathroom or seen one in a magazine or online, you’ve likely felt compelled to send a picture of it to a friend. Let’s face it– it’s just a bathroom! We all know what happens in there, and for obvious reasons, we choose not to talk about it. But if you’re thinking about renovating yours, let’s talk about the elements needed to not only make it functional but also give it that ‘WOW’ factor we all crave! Frankly speaking, every home needs at least one bathroom, or maybe even two or three! But they don’t have to be purely practical spaces. Just like any other renovation, there are key factors to consider when revamping a bathroom:

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Hidden Rooms … Don’t you love when Hollywood brings you a great idea?

If you have ever watched the original Scooby-Doo cartoons, you know that with most mysteries there was a hidden room or passageway to be discovered. The doors either swung open, revolved or slid to the side. Some were even on the floor and led down a staircase to an unexpected basement or tunnel. They were awesome! In real life, documentaries on old castles and monuments often show secret passages and rooms hidden by disguised doors. Maybe you haven’t watched any of those shows, but imagine a hidden room in your own home – one that only you know how to enter. Do we have your attention? The hidden room is not just a thing of the past; it seems to be making a comeback. New versions of these hidden rooms in modern-day houses have been designed to include panic/safe rooms, wine cellars, bedrooms, man caves, powder rooms, storage and even the pantry. Using a disguised door is just an intriguing way of guaranteeing some much-desired seclusion/privacy, strategic utilization of a doorway, and/or well-needed security. While there are certainly function-based reasons to disguise a door, it’s hard to overlook the obvious draw – it’s an awesome childhood fantasy come true. Out of necessity, it’s become a decorative trick to create symmetry and maximize wall storage space in one room, while still allowing access to another. Offices, powder rooms, libraries, kitchens, and family rooms are great places to take advantage of this structural element. Many houses have existing doors in the least ideal locations and a stylish concealed door can provide an answer to many decorating challenges for both sides.

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From Country Charm to Upscale Elegance: Every Kitchen Shares This Common Trait!

We’ve all heard the saying that the kitchen is the heart of the home, and for most of us, it’s probably true. If you love to cook and your family or guests love to eat…the kitchen is where you are most likely to congregate. So, designing a kitchen that works for you involves considering a multitude of factors. A kitchen is one of the more expensive rooms to renovate and it’s no secret as to why. There are many construction trades whose expertise is needed to create your ideal kitchen (e.g., plumbers, electricians, tile setters, drywallers, trimmers, cabinet makers and countertop installers, etc.). In addition, several elements/items go into a kitchen space—flooring/tile, cabinetry, appliances, countertops, backsplashes, a variety of lighting, tables and chairs or island/peninsula stools, etc. Being honest about what you need in your kitchen versus what you want, is the first step in designing your unique space. Regardless of the style of your kitchen, the same fundamental elements are incorporated into the design. And…depending on how much space you have you will likely consider some of the following:

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