Vanderzalm -Blog

Spring has sprung...already!

Written by Admin | Apr 27, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Well, spring is here… since we are always looking for the positives since COVID-19 began, this must be one of them.  At this time, it is a thrill to welcome any sign of spring—and yay, it is here!  We have green grass and blossoms on trees.  The warmer weather and that beautiful sunshine that we have been seeing is a joy to behold.  Being in the dreaded lockdowns or under restrictions for most of the past year has made us more than just a little eager for some time outside.  So, with this changing season we get to enjoy some time outdoors, even if there is a maintenance regiment that we must conduct. 

Spring is always a great time to refresh all of our spaces, but this year it seems even more important than in the past. It is time to deep clean, purge unneeded clothing, declutter closets, and possibly, even begin that much desired renovation.

Spring cleaning gives us the opportunity to go through items that have been stored away and determine whether we still really need to keep them.  If you have belongings that you no longer need, don’t just throw them out – donate them to charities that will gladly repurpose or distribute them. You could be making a difference to someone that has been deeply touched by this pandemic.  If donating is not an option, think about the ways that you can possibly recycle the items, or send them to a consignment store for resale.  2021 is a year of opportunity, and a time to make a difference!    

But, don’t just stop at cleaning and purging clothes that no longer fit; spring maintenance is more than just the cleaning of closets.  Your entire home needs your attention.  Take advantage of any sunny days we get, to check your home for any type of weathering inside and out.  While chores are not usually a favourite for most people, this is an opportunity to check for trouble areas and get started on cleaning up the landscape, while enjoying some much needed fresh air.  

Here is a small maintenance checklist to get you started: click here to access the checklist. Keep in mind that each home is unique to the people that live there.  This maintenance list is just a starting point.  It is vital that you take a good look at your specific interior and exterior elements to ensure that you address any trouble spots you may have.  By doing a thorough inspection, you can ensure that a simple repair doesn’t become a replacement issue if left too long.  

Just remember that if you find a situation that you are not sure of, or are not qualified to fix yourself, call a professional so that you can ensure it is done right.  Some projects require a licensed professional (i.e. plumbing and electrical, etc.); they are not DIY-type projects.

Wishing you all the very best of health and a revitalizing spring season!  If you are considering a custom renovation, addition or custom home build in Niagara, call Vanderzalm Construction Inc. at (905)562-4463 or (905)684-5823.